ex.1 put the verbs into the Past Simple tense1) I (clea) my teeth there times yesterday. 2) It was hot in the room,so I (open) the window. 3) The…

23 октября 2023

ex.1 put the verbs into the Past Simple tense1) I (clea) my teeth there times yesterday. 2) It was hot in the room,so I (open) the window. 3) The concert (start) at 7,30 and (finish) at 10 o clock. 4) When I was a child,I (want) to be a doctor. 5) The accedent (happen) last Sunday afternoon. 6) It s a nice day today but yesterday it (be) all day.7) We (enjoy) our holidays last year.We (stay) at a very nice place.ex.2 complete these sentences with the verb in the negative1) I saw Barbara but I (not/see) Jane. 2) They worked on but they (not/work) on Tuesday.3) We went to the post office but we (not/go) to the bank.4) She had a pen but she (not/have) any paper 5) Jack did French at school but he (not/do) GermanПЛИИЗЗ ООЧЕНЬ НАДОО… ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО*()

категория: английский язык


1) cleaned 2) opened 3) started, finished 4) wanted 5) happened 6) was 7) enjoyed, stayed 2. 1) didn't see 2) didn't work 3) didn't go 4) didn't have 5) didn't do

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