Fill in the correct form of the verb in Present Simple: 1) Fish (not fly) _______.They (swim) _______.2) The sun (not rise) _______in the west.It…

14 сентября 2023

Fill in the correct form of the verb in Present Simple: 1) Fish (not fly) _______.They (swim) _______.2) The sun (not rise) _______in the west.It (set) _____down in the west.3) A spider (not have) ______ wings.A bird (have) ______wings.4) Cats (not bark) ______.Dogs (do) _____.5) Natalie usually (not sit) _________ in the sun.6) She rarely (go) ________ to the beach.

категория: английский язык


1) don't fly; swim2) doesn't rise; sets3) doesn't have; has4) doesn't bark; do5) doesn't sit6) goes

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