Give the correct tag to these sentences.1. She doesn't live in London, ___? 2. I don't write to my penfriend very often,___? 3. Emma works in a…

06 сентября 2023

Give the correct tag to these sentences.1. She doesn't live in London, ___? 2. I don't write to my penfriend very often,___? 3. Emma works in a sports shop, ___? 4. Her elder brother doesn't play the violin, ___? 5. They go dancing on Saturdays, ___? 6. It snows a lot in this part of the country, ___? 7. They don't stay at home most evenings, ___?

категория: английский язык


1. does she2. do i3. doesn't she4. does he5. don't they6. doesn't it7. do they

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