-Have you ever thought what will happen in the future? Yes, of course. I think in the future, our technology will grow at a rapid pace. I think that…

13 ноября 2023

-Have you ever thought what will happen in the future? Yes, of course. I think in the future, our technology will grow at a rapid pace. I think that oneday people will learn to fly. -Fly? Yes. I believe that people will be able to fly. First, people make a machine that will be able to move freely through the air. And after a while they can fly themselves. Scientists have made a device that can lift people into the air. -It's amazing! But I think that people do not need such invention. It would be better if the scientists have invented a pen that would do for you your homework. -I am afraid I do not agree with you. This is a bad idea. Pupils would be lazy and stupid. -Do you think scientists will invent a perpetual motion machine? -I do not think it will happen. 'But it would be easier for people to live. -It's a good idea, but it is unrealistic. -I think scientists can do it. In a few centuries, scientists invent a perpetual motion machine. And humanity will solve many global problems. -Challenge — is air pollution. Need to invent a device that would catch criminals. Then everyone would be happy. Peace and good. Yes, it is a good idea. Science develops, and I think that soon we will see a big change in our lives. На ошибки проверить.

категория: английский язык


Все правильно проверила молодец… надеюсь ты получишь 5+Have you ever thought what will happen in the future? Yes, of course. I think in the future, our technology will grow at a rapid pace. I think that one day people will learn to fly. -Fly? Yes. I believe that people will be able to fly. First, people make a machine that will be able to move freely through the air. And after a while they can fly themselves. Scientists have made a device that can lift people into the air. -It's amazing! But I think that people do not need such invention. It would be better if the scientists have invented a pen that would do for you your homework. -I am afraid I do not agree with you. This is a bad idea. Pupils would be lazy and stupid. -Do you think scientists will invent a perpetual motion machine? -I do not think it will happen. 'But it would be easier for people to live. -It's a good idea, but it is unrealistic. -I think scientists can do it. In a few centuries, scientists invent a perpetual motion machine. And humanity will solve many global problems. -Challenge — is air pollution. Need to invent a device that would catch criminals. Then everyone would be happy. Peace and good. Yes, it is a good idea. Science develops, and I think that soon we will see a big change in our lives.

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