HELP! Нужно сочинение 100-120 слов, на тему My story about Dinner Party

18 ноября 2023

HELP! Нужно сочинение 100-120 слов, на тему My story about Dinner Party

категория: английский язык


Last week, my beloved grandmother Nadia was a dinner party. Grandmother invited her sister Tamara, my parents, Svetlana and Andrew, my uncle and aunt, Ruslan and Natasha, my cousin Sergei, me and my sister, Alina. Everyone was very happy. Have not met such a fun company. Beloved grandmother cooked soup and delicious meat pie. Then the children watched granny pictures, and adults talking about how to spend the next weekend.Grandma said she was very happy to see all of us and the next weekend we are waiting again for a visit!

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