Напишите в правильной форме выделенные слова в тексте. Sugar is the provider of around 13 percent of…

15 ноября 2023

Напишите в правильной форме выделенные слова в тексте. Sugar is the provider of around 13 percent of theenergy we get from food. It can be found in many plants, but the only commercial important sources of sugar are sugar beet and sugar cane. Sugar beet produce takes place in temperate or cold countries. Sugar beet is grown extensive in russia, poland and Germany. Sugar cane is grown in tropic climates and provides more than half of the world's sugar supply. Among the countries with the largest sugar production are Brazil and Mexico. People are still uncertain about how value sugar is to our diet. Although it is used to sweet many foods, there are those who believe that sugar is healthy that we should not add it to food products. For this reason , there has recent been an increase in the sales of sugar-free foods. However, taken in moderate, sugar is a harmless and taste part of our diet.

категория: английский язык



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