Напишите вопросы на ответы: 1) I love green trees and beautiful flowers. 2) My cousins like to play different games in the…

27 сентября 2023

Напишите вопросы на ответы: 1) I love green trees and beautiful flowers. 2) My cousins like to play different games in the forest. 3) We love the forestand the river. Помогите пожалуйста.

категория: английский язык


1) I love green trees and beautiful flowers.What do I love? Who loves green trees and beautiful flowers? 2) My cousins like to play different games in the forest.Where do my cousins like to play different games? Who likes to play different games in the forest? 3) We love the forest and the river.What do we love? Who loves the forest and the river?

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