negative with other verbs put the verbs in the past simple negative be/dance/have/go/like/ meet. I (1) did not enjoy my last holiday. I (2) _________…

09 ноября 2023

negative with other verbs put the verbs in the past simple negative be/dance/have/go/like/ meet. I (1) did not enjoy my last holiday. I (2) _________ anice time and I (3) ___________ any nice people. The weather (4) ___________good. We (5) __________ swimming because it was very cold. I went go to the party on the beach but I (6) _____________ because I (7) _______ The music.

категория: английский язык


2) didn't have 3) didn't meet 4) wasn't 5) didn't go 6) didn't dance 7) didn't like

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