Нужно раскрыть скобки, в Passive voise. 2. The remarkable pointing (to find) in the caves. 4. Many animals (to drive) to the edge…

31 октября 2023

Нужно раскрыть скобки, в Passive voise. 2. The remarkable pointing (to find) in the caves. 4. Many animals (to drive) to the edge of extinction. 6. Diary and beef cattle and poultry (to reduce) greatly in the future. 8. Other wild animals (to domesticate) by true humans throughout most of the time. 10. The hunters (to depend) on wild animals for food and clothing.

категория: английский язык


2. The remarkable pointing was found in the caves. 4. Many animals are driven to the edge of extinction. 6. Diary and beef cattle and poultry will be reduced greatly in the future. 8. Other wild animals will be domesticated by true humans throughout most of the time. 10. The hunters are depended on wild animals for food and clothing.

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