Нужно составить 6 предложений на английском языке на тему: Почему я хочу отдать…

24 сентября 2024

Нужно составить 6 предложений на английском языке на тему: Почему я хочу отдать деньги бездомным и голодным людям. ПОЖАЛУЙСТАПОМОГИТЕ, УМОЛЯЮ!

категория: английский язык


Почему я хочу отдать деньги бездомным и голодным людям.Greed can be cured only one way — the right commission donations. The word "donation" is perceived by us as a loss (eg, loss of money). But this is not always the case, there are different kinds of donations. Often people perceive it cheap: they think that donation causes the problems, but in fact donations gives happiness, you just have to know what it is. Theme donations so far from us that, in fact — is an unattainable thing. Make a donation without knowledge is impossible, and even more so — to do it right. For example, corporate philanthropy is not always a donation. Very often, this is done for advertising purposes. Giving someone money, you do not always get the benefit, and how does not always get the benefit and the person who takes your money.

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