One of the most popular sports in England is cricket. It is sometimes called the national sport and many adults and (1) _________ (CHILD) play itin…

20 ноября 2023

One of the most popular sports in England is cricket. It is sometimes called the national sport and many adults and (1) _________ (CHILD) play itin their spare time or at school. It (2) _________ (PLAY) by two teams of eleven and has some similarities to baseball. To put it simply, the aim is to score runs and the side (3) _________ (SCORE) most runs wins. The game is quite old, and the (4) _________ (EARLY) references to it date from the 1500s. Spectators (5) _________ (WATCH) cricket matches for hundreds of years in many parts of England. The list of famous cricket grounds (6) _________ (INCLUDE) Lord’s in London and Old Traff ord in Manchester. ‘Test cricket’ is the name (7) _________ (GIVE) to five-day matches between different countries.

категория: английский язык


1) children2) is played3) scored4) earliest5) have been watching6) includes7) given

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