Past Tenses 1) When you (be) born? I (be) born in 1980. 2) The light went off and the orchestra (start) playing. 3) When I came intothe kitchen…

25 ноября 2023

Past Tenses 1) When you (be) born? I (be) born in 1980. 2) The light went off and the orchestra (start) playing. 3) When I came intothe kitchen mother (cook) dinner.

категория: английский язык


1) When were you born? I was born in 1980,2) The light went off and the orchestra started playing.3) When I came into the kitchen mother was cooking dinner.4) We had been washing the floor from 3 till 4 yesterday.5) At 7 yersterday I was playing the piano.6) When I came home mother had already cooked dinner.7) Tom had translated the text by 7,8) She had been seeing the film for 1 hour when I rang her up.9) Where were you yesterday? 10) Did you finish school last year? Поставь мне «Лучшее решение», если несложно.////

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