Please help! N.1 a) Fill in is/are,have/has, do/does. b) Match the questions and the answers. 1) What … . the weather like today? a) Yes, there…

08 сентября 2023

Please help! N.1 a) Fill in is/are,have/has, do/does. b) Match the questions and the answers. 1) What … . the weather like today? a) Yes, there are. 2) Where … . you live? b) Yes, it's a cat. 3) … it warm in Moscow in spring? c) No, she hasn't. 4) … . you got a pet? d) It's cold. 5) What … your Mum do? e) She's a doctor. 6) … . there any pictures in your room? f) In Moscow. 7) … . she got a photo of her family? g) Yes, it's warm.

категория: английский язык


1) What Is the weather like today? d) It's cold.2) Where do you live? f) In Moscow.3) Is it warm in Moscow in spring? g) Yes, it's warm.4) Have you got a pet? b) Yes, it's a cat.5) What is your Mum do? e) She's a doctor.6) Are there any pictures in your room? a) Yes, there are.7) Has she got a photo of her family? c) No, she hasn't.

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