ПОМОГИТЕ КТО МОЖЕТ! Think of a festival in your country.Spend 5 minutes writing a short paragraph about it.Writeabout:…

08 октября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ КТО МОЖЕТ! Think of a festival in your country.Spend 5 minutes writing a short paragraph about it.Writeabout: place,date,activities.Read your paragraph to the class and ask them to guess what festival it is.

категория: английский язык


People celebrate the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.This day military parades are held on the Red Square inMoscow.Marched of cadets of military schools and office units go through the City’s streets. They head to the monuments to fallen soldiers and war memorials, where people lay flowers and hold rallies. Then go military hardware and military aviation. People on the streets are given ribbons, simulating traditional bicolor St. George ribbon. It has a symbolic value and expresses our respect for people who make their contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Ribbons are distributed free of charge, through charitable contributions.There are many evening concerts in many parts of the city followed by very beautiful and long-lasting fireworks. Russian people celebrate this great day with proud and blessing.

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