Помогите. Нужно превратить скобки либо в Past Continuous OR the simple Past tense… It was midnight, and the Main…

20 октября 2023

Помогите. Нужно превратить скобки либо в Past Continuous OR the simple Past tense… It was midnight, and the Main Street of the small town (be) empty, except for one man. He (stand) outside a shop on the corner of the street. A policeman turned the corner, and when he (see) the man , he (ask) him what he (do). The man (say) he (wait) for a friend, but the policeman (not believe) him. He (ask) him if he lived in the town. The man said no, he (stay) at a hotel for a few days. He (tell) the policeman the name of the hotel.

категория: английский язык


It was midnight, and the Main Street of the small town was empty, except for one man. He was standing outside a shop on the cornerof the street. A policeman turned the corner, and when he saw the man, he asked him what he did. The man said he was waiting for a friend, butthe policeman didn't believe him. He asked him if he lived in the town.The man said no, he had stayed at a hotel for a few days. He told thepoliceman the name of the hotel.

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