Помогите поставить глаголы в правильную будущую форму: . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct…

10 октября 2023

Помогите поставить глаголы в правильную будущую форму: . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. 1. A Have you decided where to go onholiday with your family? B We haven’t decided yet, but I think we ___________________________ (go) to Italy. 2. A Have you decided where to go on holiday with your family? B Yes, we______________________ (go) to Italy, we’ve booked a hotel in Venice. 3. A Did you know that Mrs Brown is in hospital? B Really? I________________ (visit) her some time this week. 4. A Did you know that Mrs Brown is in hospital? B Yes, I know. I_____________ (visit) her next Tuesday. 5. A Did you listen to the weather forecast this morning? B No, but just look at the sky. It___________________ (be) nice and sunny. 6. A Is it something serious, doctor? B No, Mr Jones. Take the pills three times a day and you ______________ (feel) better soon. 7. A Are you flying somewhere? B Yes, to London. My plane_______________ (leave) in an hour. I have to hurry. 8. A Are you sure all the guests will come to the reception? B I don’t know. Some of them______________________ (be) too tired to come.

категория: английский язык


1.will go2. are going3. am going4. am visiting5. will be6. will feel7. is leaving8. will be

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