Помогите пожалуйста! 1. Better late than… . a) never b) always c) seldom 2. There is no place… home.a) as b) like c) about

15 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! 1. Better late than… . a) never b) always c) seldom 2. There is no place… home.a) as b) like c) about

категория: английский язык


1. Better late than… .a) never b) always c) seldom2. There is no place… home.a) as b) like c) about3. A friend in need is a friend… a) really b) always c) indeed4… is nothing without health.a) Money b) Wealth c) Happpiness5. When the cat is away, the … will play.a) birds b) mouse c) mice6. An … . a day keeps the doctor away.a) apple b) orange c) exercise7. Never put off till… .what you can do today.a) yesterday b) Mondey c) tomorrow8. Walls have… .a) eyes b) ears c) hands9. A Jack of all trades is master of… a) nothing b) neither c) none10. Tomorrow come… a) never b) late c) seldom

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