Помогите пожалуйста! fill in with past simple or past continuous: Last night I was (be) alone at home. I2) ____ (lie) on my bed and…

04 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! fill in with past simple or past continuous: Last night I was (be) alone at home. I2) ____ (lie) on my bed and I 3) ____ (watch) TV when 14) _____ (hear) a strange noise. The noise 5) _____ (come) from the kitchen. I 6) ____ (go) downstairs, 7) ____ (pick up) a heavy vase from the table and 8) _____ (head for) the kitchen. 19) ____ (open) the door very slowly. Then I 10) _____ (see) someone. He

категория: английский язык


Last night I was alone at home. I 2) was lying on my bed and I 3) ____ (watching) TV when 14) _____ (heard) a strange noise. The noise 5) __was___ (coming) from the kitchen. I 6) ____ (went) downstairs, 7) ____ (picked up) a heavy vase from the table and 8) _____ (headed for) the kitchen. 19) ____ (opened) the door very slowly. Then I 10) _____ (saw) someone. He11) ___was_ (searching) in the fridge. I 12) ____ (was) so frightened that I 13) ____ (dropped) the vase I 14) __was__ (carrying) and it 15) ____ (crashed) onto thefloor. The man ___ (turned) towards the door and I 17) ____ (saw) his face.It was my husband!

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