Помогите пожалуйста. Надо найти ошибки. Я пытался находить все что я делал мне…

18 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста. Надо найти ошибки. Я пытался находить все что я делал мне учительница зачеркнула. 1. The dwarfs told SnowWhite that she could live in our house . 2. He said he didn't hear anything about that place before. 3. Cinderella's stepsisters said their mother that they wanted to have new clothes. 4. There was an armchair in the room. 5. The prince asked the girl don't be afraid . 6. The girl asked the bear where will he go. 7. Snow White said that she will never forget them . 8. Cinderella said that she could not wear these old clothes . 9. I saw him few minutes ago. 10. The fairy asked the girl was the dress beautiful.

категория: английский язык


Snow White said that she could live in our house dwarfs2.He said nothing about this place before heard3

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