Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно слова в скобках поставить в наиболее подходящее…

03 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно слова в скобках поставить в наиболее подходящее время. Dad (usually/work) on Saturdays. 2. I cry to explain something to Mark and the telefon (ring).3. When I saw you I (know) that we (meet) before. 4. We (just/talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in. 5. He (work) for this company since April. 6. When Jill (finish) school? 7. He (not/receive) any letters from her this week. 8. He said that her (already/buy) everything for lunch/ .9. When he (get) home, be found that the children (play) with his computer. 10. Thank you very much for a lovely time on Saturday. 11. We (enjoy) meeting your friends and the food (be) delicious. 12. Do you think it (rain)? 13. Michael , I (try) to get you all day! 14. We (leave) as soon as Tom (get) the tickets. 15. She (have) by the time we arrive. 16. Alice asked her brother where he (arrange) to meet his friends. 17. My parents (be) to the USA many times. 18. The doctor (examin) her and found that she (break) her arm. 19.After I (write) all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make 20. If the weather (be) fine? We will have a picnic. 21. It (snow) for the last 2 days.

категория: английский язык


1) work2) ring3) meet4) talk5) woork6) finish7) not8) buy9) get10) -11) be12) rain13) try14) get15) have16) arrange17) be18) break19) write20) be21) show

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