ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ВСТАВИТЬ ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО! 1) That was the _______ educational institution of all.a)…

01 ноября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! ВСТАВИТЬ ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО! 1) That was the _______ educational institution of all.a) bad; b) worst; c) worse.2) This is the ____ famous scientist.a) most; b) more; c) much.3) She____lecture when the phone rang.a) is having; b) was having; c) had.4) Would you like____additional information.a) some; b) any; c) a few.5) Stop____, please. I can't work.a) talking; b) to talk; c) talk6) This is the____ book of all.a) cheap; b) cheaper; c) cheapest.7) Finish you homework and then you___ watch TV.a) can; b) must; c) mustn't.8) Yesterday we____ to the cinema and saw a great film.a) go; b) will go; c) went.9) What____ in the garden, Mike? I'm learning grammar rules by heart.a) do you do; b) did you do; c) are you doing.10) What are you doing tonight? " I____ to prepare for my exam".a) go; b) am going; c) went11) I was born in Prague, but I___ in Paris since 1988.a) live; b) am living; c) have lived.12) When___ Rome? Last summer or last winter? a) did you visit; b) will you visit; c) do you visit.

категория: английский язык


1) That was the _______ educational institution of all.a) bad; b) worst; c) worse.2) This is the ____ famous scientist.a) most; b) more; c) much.3) She____lecture when the phone rang.a) is having; b) was having; c) had.4) Would you like____additional information.a) some; b) any; c) a few.5) Stop____, please. I can't work.a) talking; b) to talk; c) talk6) This is the____ book of all.a) cheap; b) cheaper; c) cheapest.7) Finish you homework and then you___ watch TV.a) can; b) must; c) mustn't.8) Yesterday we____ to the cinema and saw a great film.a) go; b) will go; c) went.9) What____ in the garden, Mike? I'm learning grammar rules by heart.a) do you do; b) did you do; c) are you doing.10) What are you doing tonight? " I____ to prepare for my exam".a) go; b) am going; c) went11) I was born in Prague, but I___ in Paris since 1988.a) live; b) am living; c) have lived.12) When___ Rome? Last summer or last winter? a) did you visit; b) will you visit; c) do you visit.

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