Помогите пожалуйстаа! Open the brackets using Conditionals Type ll.

09 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйстаа! Open the brackets using Conditionals Type ll.

категория: английский язык


1. The trains all would stopped if it snowed heavily.2. if you went out in cold weather without a coat you would catch a cold.3.if i saw a cheap second-hand car, i would buy it.4. if you ate well and exercised regularly you would live to be 100 years old.5. you would have a stomach ache if you ate too much of that cake.6. if it rains this afternoon i will take my umbrella.7. If you did not drive carefully you (have) would have an accident.8. If you study for a higher qualification you will get a better job next year.9.If you (srndy)? send her an email she will answer it.

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