Помогите пожалуйстаThe recipe for my favourite dish.My favourite dish is … .To cook … .you need… I like … . a lot. It…

18 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйстаThe recipe for my favourite dish.My favourite dish is … .To cook … .you need… I like … . a lot. It tastes …

категория: английский язык


My favorite dish is Olivier Salad.To cook it you need: 5 potatoes4 eggs1/2 can of green peas2-3 fresh cucumberssalt to your taste1/2 pound mayonnaise; At first, boile potatoes in skin and after they become cool peel them. Boil eggs.After that chop potatoes and eggs.Add peas and salt (as you want). Chop cucumbers and mix the salad. Add mayonnaise.I like this salad a lot. It tastes good.

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