Помогите! Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. The students were celebratingbecause they (pass) ……

10 февраля 2024

Помогите! Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. The students were celebratingbecause they (pass) … their exams. Our boots were muddy because we … (play) football all morning. I didn't know they (listen) … to me practising the guitar all afternoon. She was out of breath because she (run) … I didn't recognise Bill. He (dye) … his hair orange! She was angry because I (not phone) … her for over a week. He was worried because he (lose) … his passport. The sea was warm because the sun (shine) … on it all day. Sue didn't come to the party because nobody (tell) … her about it. They (not go out) … with each other very long before they got married.

категория: английский язык


The students were celebrating because they had pased their exams. Our boots were muddy because we had been playing football all morning. I didn't know they had been listening to me practising the guitar all afternoon. She was out of breath because she had run I didn't recognise Bill. He had dyed his hair orange! She was angry because I had not phoned her for over a week. He was worried because he had losed his passport. The sea was warm because the sun had been shining on it all day. Sue didn't come to the party because nobody had told her about it. They had not went out with each other very long before they got married.

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