Помогите раскрыть скобки Past Simple Tense 1.He (to dance) at the disco with hes friends last Monday. 2.He (to get) up at six…

13 сентября 2023

Помогите раскрыть скобки Past Simple Tense 1.He (to dance) at the disco with hes friends last Monday. 2.He (to get) up at six last Tuesday. 3. He (to be) in the country last Wednesday. 4. He (to feed) the cat last (to eat) ice-cream last Sunday.We went to the amusement park yesterday. She played on the swings two days ago.They were in the moutains last week. Пожалуйста по быстрее!

категория: английский язык


1.He danced at the disco with hes friends last Monday. 2.He got up at six last Tuesday. 3. He was in the country last Wednesday

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