Помогите сделать ребенку домашнее задание … .they got a car? Yes… the car red? Yes… they help us? Yes……

17 сентября 2023

Помогите сделать ребенку домашнее задание … .they got a car? Yes… the car red? Yes… they help us? Yes… he got two dogs? Yes… they clever? Yes… .the dogs at home? Yes… the dog at home? Yes… the dog swim? Yes… she got a son? Yes… her son a doctor? Yes… Jene at home? Yes… .Jerry a pupil? Yes… you got bike? Yes… it your bake? Yea…

категория: английский язык


Have they got a car? Yes, they haveIs the car red? Yes, it isCan they help us? Yes, they canHas he got two dogs? Yes, he hasAre they clever? Yes, they areAre the dogs at home? Yes, they areCan the dog swim? Yes, it canHas she got a son? Yes, she hasIs her son a doctor? Yes, he isIs Jane at home? Yes, she isIs Jerry a pupil? Yes, he isHave you got a bike? Yes, I haveIs it your bike? Yes, it it

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