Постройте специальные вопросы. 1) Andrea usually gets up at 6 o clock. (What time?) 2) She catches the bus every morning.…

29 октября 2023

Постройте специальные вопросы. 1) Andrea usually gets up at 6 o clock. (What time?) 2) She catches the bus every morning. (When?) 3) She takes a showerin the morning. (What?) 4) She goes home for lunch. (Where?) 5) She goes swimming every summer. (When?) 6) She gets to the pool on foot. (How?) 7) She reads the books on Saturday evening. (What?)

категория: английский язык


1) What time does he usualy get up? 2) When does she catch the bus? 3) What does she take every morning? 4) Where does she go for lunch? 5) When does she go swimming? 6) How does she get to the pool? 7) What does she read on Saturday evening?

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