Presnt SImple , future simpel и так дальше другие времена 1 . Why they (to laugh) at that picture yesterday? 2 . I (to look)…

08 октября 2023

Presnt SImple , future simpel и так дальше другие времена 1 . Why they (to laugh) at that picture yesterday? 2 . I (to look) for myslippers now .

категория: английский язык


1 . Why did they laugh at that picture yesterday? 2 . I am looking for my slippers now .3 . Paul was in Rome two years ago .4 . Which of you do usually take pictures at the theatre? 5 . Why are you not playing snowballs now? 6 . Did Tom write a letter to his granny from 5 till 6 yesterday? 7 . Did Alice to put on her blue blouse yesterday? 8 . We will run a race next week .9 . The children are listening to the music at the Children's Theatre now .10 . Why will your friends not stay with us the day after tomorrow? 11 . They have not visit this exhibition yet .12 . The children were watching a film , when their mother came home yesterday .

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