Проверти сочинение) My opinion about this phone is good. I think not do without them. Phone is a good friend for disabled and lonely…

19 октября 2023

Проверти сочинение) My opinion about this phone is good. I think not do without them. Phone is a good friend for disabled and lonely people. Becaus they have no chance to often be on the street and talk to people there. For popular people on the phone that you can gossip and there is an internet.Students can learn from your phone homework.It was my personal opinion.

категория: английский язык


In my opinion, this phone is good. I don't know, what I could do without it. Mobile phone is good friend for lonely people, because they don't have time enough to talk with people on the streets. We can use the Internet, for me it's the best thing I could ever ask for. It's just my personal opinion.

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