Put in the articles if necessary._____Potters have_____three pets. Their cat_____Pussy is white. Pussy likes to watch_____moon in_____evening. Polly,…

04 октября 2023

Put in the articles if necessary._____Potters have_____three pets. Their cat_____Pussy is white. Pussy likes to watch_____moon in_____evening. Polly, their parrot, is _____cleverest pet. Polly can speak_____English. Polly is from_____South America._____third pet is_____tortoise. Pussyand Polly like to play with_____tortoise._____Potters and their pets live in_____London,in._____New Street.

категория: английский язык


The Potters have three pets. Their cat Pussy is white. Pussy likes to watchthe moon in the evening. Polly, their parrot, is the cleverest pet. Polly can speak English. Polly is from South America. The third pet is a tortoise. Pussyand Polly like to play with the tortoise. The Potters and their pets live in London,in New Street.

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