Put the verbs in brackets into the "Present Simple" or "Past Simple". This 1) … Is… (be) my dog, Blackie. He 2) (be) a small black dog with a…

20 сентября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the "Present Simple" or "Past Simple". This 1) … Is… (be) my dog, Blackie. He 2) (be) a small black dog with a bushytail. Every day 13) (take) him for a walk to the park. He 4) (run) everywhere and 5) (play) with his ball on the grass. When we 6) (come) back he 7) (eat) his food and then he 8) (lie) on the carpet. At night he 9) (sleep) on a rug near my bed. One day last year 110) (take) him for a walk but 111) (lose) him. He 12) (not/be) anywhere. 113) (go) home and 14) (tell) my parents. They 15) (search) the park and then they 16) (go) to the police. A few days later a policeman 17) (come) to my house. Blackie 18) with him. 119) (be) very happy to see him back home.

категория: английский язык


2 — is3 — I take4 — runs5 — plays6 — come7 — eats8 — lies9 — sleeps10 — took11 — I losed12 — wan't13 — I went14 — told 15 — searched16 — went17 — came18 — was19 — I was .

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