Put the words in brackets into the correct form. 1. TV sets like this can (buy) anywhere. 2. When we arrivedhome we found that one of the windows…

21 ноября 2023

Put the words in brackets into the correct form. 1. TV sets like this can (buy) anywhere. 2. When we arrivedhome we found that one of the windows (break). 3. A new apartment (build) near the church. 4. The battle (fight) in 1623. 5. The windows (clean) while I was there. 6. My desk (move). 7. All the documents (sign) before I arrived. 8. The car (sell) to pay the debts. 9. The meeting (hold) on Monday. 10. New employees always (welcome) by the manager. 11. Teachers might (offer) apartments in the college. 12. Application forms should (send) by 12 December.

категория: английский язык


1be bought2was broken3was built4was fight5were cleaned6is moved7were signed8was sold9was holded10are welcomed11be offered12be sent

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