Read the story and fill in the verbs in their past forms. Stargirl (take) ______ us into space. First we (can) _______ see the Earth from the…

02 ноября 2023

Read the story and fill in the verbs in their past forms. Stargirl (take) ______ us into space. First we (can) _______ see the Earth from the rocket.Then we (go) ________ to a star park. In the park we (hear) __________ space music. We (stop) _______ at a space cafe. Then we (visit) ___________ a Space Museum. After that Stargirl (give) ________ us space skis and we (ski) _________ between the Blue Planet and the Green Planet. We (like) __________ it very much. Then we (come) ______ home. We (be) _______ in space for five earth minutes. Допоможіть будь ласка!

категория: английский язык


Stargirl took us into space. First we could see the Earth from the rocket. Then we went to a star park. In the park we heard space music. We stopped at a space cafe. Then we visited a Space Museum. After that Stargirl gave us space skis and we skied between the Blue Planet and the Green Planet. We liked it very much. Then we came home. We were in space for five earth minutes.

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