read the text use the word given in capital at the end of each line to from a word that fits in the space in the same line. in britain there are…

18 сентября 2023

read the text use the word given in capital at the end of each line to from a word that fits in the space in the same line. in britain there are 12national (1) _________ newspapers and most people read one of (2) _____________ every day. Daily newspapers are (3) ____________ on very day of the week except sunday . Sunday newspapers are (4) ________ than daily newspapers . All the sunday newspaper are (5) ________ . Most natonal newspapers in britain express a (6) __________ opinion ,most of them right-wing and people (7) _____________ the newspaper that they read according to (8) __________ own political (9) __________ . 1 day 2 they 3 publish 4 large 5 nation 6 polytics 7 choice 8 they 9 believe помогите пожалоста

категория: английский язык


in britain there are 12 national (1) daily newspapers and most people read one of (2) them every day. Daily newspapers are (3) published on very day of the week except sunday . Sunday newspapers are (4) larger than daily newspapers . All the sunday newspaper are (5) national. Most natonal newspapers in britain express a (6) political opinion ,most of them right-wing and people (7) choose the newspaper that they read according to (8) their own political (9) beliefs.

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