Соченение по английскому 9 класс на тему "My style"

13 ноября 2023

Соченение по английскому 9 класс на тему "My style"

категория: английский язык


Fashion is strong and fleeting. Styles, tendencies and trends are changing at a tremendous rate. What is fashionable today, tomorrow is not always appropriate, but in ten or twenty years may be on the "off" again. Fashion is not always practical, and often runs counter to common sense. It has its own legislature and performers, as well as their moods and conditions. At the same time, fashion is all-powerful: in the end it will make their own. All this fits and does not fit the concept of "fashion health". This combination of the word "fashion" is very different takes on shades, incorporating the concept of style. Fashion health moves us because cordons. Unfortunately, it is not as fast as the rest. But her life is different. Fashion to health (that is sure to include a style of life) — the phenomenon of sound and reaching outwards. Although the obstacles in her way this abound. It would seem, in a fashion "normal" and …

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