Сочинение на тему «Професии» 10-12 фраз

22 сентября 2023

Сочинение на тему «Професии» 10-12 фраз

категория: английский язык


Who does not dream of the people just be: famous astronauts like Yuri Gagarin, brave firemen, doctors to save hundreds of lives, singers to shine on stage, teachers to give knowledge Professions … there are many, the main thing — do not be mistaken in the choice and dedicate this profession all his life. Everyone has their own interests, their favorite things, someone has talent, and someone is able to quickly and easily learn everything. As a child I wanted to be a singer because I loved to sing and wanted to become famous, but then I realized that it was just a childhood dream. I like to read a lot and write something interesting, to express their opinions and argue about anything and maybe that's why I started thinking about the profession of journalism. Now I can confidently say that this is exactly what I need. Being a journalist — it's fun! What could be more fun than to interview, meet new people, learn the details of their lives and how they achieved success? Or one of the first to see an event, and then talk about it around the country, all over the world and no matter how: to write about it in the newspaper or do about this story? My dream is to make their reports and, if necessary, go for it in the distant hinterland of our great country, or vice versa: to fly a few hours on a plane in a distant country, and then tell the country on television about what happened. The journalistic profession and difficult and interesting. But at the same time it is a very demanding job, because the world will know about the news is made by journalists and it is important to convey to the viewer or reader information without distorting it. I'm sure that everyone will find his calling and would love your job, will devote her entire life, it is important to make the right choice, the choice of his profession!

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