Сократите пожалуйста текст до пересказа) How the Book Was Born. -A book is part thing and part thought. -When we…

20 сентября 2023

Сократите пожалуйста текст до пересказа) How the Book Was Born. -A book is part thing and part thought. -When we open thebook, we find ourselves in a silent wonderful world -We visit foreign shores, we discover hidden treasure, we travel among stars -Man s thoughts and dreams are stored in books.

категория: английский язык


How the Book Was Born.-Ivan Fedorov had his press in Moscow, but his masters were against printing books and made him stop his work.-Now that the people in our country are among the greatest readers in the world we remember the name of Ivan Fedorov and the year 1574 when his Azbuka was printed. -Ivan Fedorov’s Azbuka helped the people to learn the alphabet and taught them to read books.-The year of 1574 is the most important event in the cultural life of Russia of the 16th century.-Today we find it hard to imagine the bookless world of the past, hard to imagine the long way the book has come.-Now even boys and girls at school have as many books as rich people used to have in the days before men learned to print.

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