Составить 5 предложений обычных 5 вопросительных 5 отрицательных с There is (are)

19 ноября 2023

Составить 5 предложений обычных 5 вопросительных 5 отрицательных с There is (are)

категория: английский язык


Повествовательные 1 There is a table near the window2 There is a vase on the table3 There are some fruit on the table4 There is a ball near the door5 There are a lot of children in the garden Отрицательные 1 There was nobody there2 There is no cheir near the table3 There is no book on the table4 There isn't water in the battle5 There is no telephone in this room Вопросительные 1 Is there a book on the table? 2 Is there a car in the garden? 3 Are there any apples on the table? 4 Are there any letters for me? 5 Are there apples or orrangers on the table?

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