Составить рассказ на тему моя семья. Для 9 класса. На английском

21 октября 2023

Составить рассказ на тему моя семья. Для 9 класса. На английском

категория: английский язык


I have a big family.We are 7; My mother,my father, my sister,mybrother,my grandmother , my grandfather and I.My father is a businessman.Heworks hard.My mother is a teacher.I love her very much.My grandfather works.Hehas his own business.He likes his work.He has a small dining room.My granmotheris a houswife.She looks after the children.She is a very nice woman.My brotheris a student.He studies at Moscow theatrical university.My sister is aschoolgirl.She goes to school. She is in the eight form.She is pretty.Andfinally about me.I'm a Schoolgirl.I 'm in the seventh form.I go to Englishcouses.I want to go to gym.I'm planning to exesises.

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