They built this concert hall a year ago. The window was opened by my sister. Their team lost the game yesterday. My mother will make a cake tomorrow.…

05 сентября 2023

They built this concert hall a year ago. The window was opened by my sister. Their team lost the game yesterday. My mother will make a cake tomorrow. Thislady invited many guests for her birthday party. The teacher asked Tom and gave him a bad mark. The film was shown last Saturday. Измените залог, в котором стоят предложения, на действительный или страдательный.

категория: английский язык


This concert hall was built by them a year ago.My sister opened the window.The game was lost by their team yesterday.A cake will be done by my mother tommorow.Many guests were invited by this lady for her birthday party.Tom was asked by the teacher and was given a bad mark.They showed this film yesterday.

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