This obgect is not very large, it,s as big as a tennis ball. sometimes a little bigger or smaller. It is usually round andquite regular un shape.…

13 ноября 2023

This obgect is not very large, it,s as big as a tennis ball. sometimes a little bigger or smaller. It is usually round andquite regular un shape. Whenyou touch it it feels smoth and firm. It is usually cool and smells fresh. You can eat it and it tastes sweet or sweet and sour. It can be red yellow or green. What is it? Нужно на подобии этого текста составить со словом a bed. Нужно срочно

категория: английский язык


It is in the room. it's big. it is rectangular in shape. It is soft, on it is convenient to sleep. What is it?

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