Two of the most important … … in the United States are Independence … and Thanksgiving. Independence Day, the Fourth of July, marks the…

04 октября 2023

Two of the most important … … in the United States are Independence … and Thanksgiving. Independence Day, the Fourth of July, marks the UnitedStates’ declaration of … from Great Britain. It is usually … with parades, family picnics, and … In most cities, it is also a … to have fireworks on Independence Day. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This is a day when people … the early settlers. In most … , it is tradition to have a large dinner with roast turkey. Both Thanksgiving and Independence Day are … . holidays. barbecues custom families independence remember celebrated Day holidays national

категория: английский язык


Two of the most important holydays in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving. Independence Day, the Fourth of July, marks the United States’ declaration of independence from Great Britain. It is usually celebrated with parades, family picnics, and barbecues In most cities, it is also a custom to have fireworks on Independence Day. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This is a day when people remember the early settlers. In most families , it is tradition to have a large dinner with roast turkey. Both Thanksgiving and Independence Day are national holidays.

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