Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Continuous/ Past Indefinite) A: What … you … (do) when the…

16 октября 2023

Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Continuous/ Past Indefinite) A: What … you … (do) when the phone … (ring)? B: I … (watch) television.A: … Jane (be busy) when you … (come) to see her? B: Yes, she … (study).A: What time … the post … (arrive) this morning? B: It … (come) while I … (have) breakfast.A: Was Margaret at work today? B: No, she … (not/go) to work. She was ill.A: How fast … you … (drive) when the police … (stop) you? B: I don't know exactly but I … (not/drive) very fast.

категория: английский язык


A: What were you doing when the phone rang? B: I was watching television.A: Was Jane busy when you came to see her? B: Yes, she was studying.A: What time did the post arrive this morning? B: It came while I was having breakfast.A: Was Margaret at work today? B: No, she did not go to work. She was ill.A: How fast were you driving when the police stopped you? B: I don't know exactly but I was not driving very fast.

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