Use verbs in the present simple or Present Continuous Could you go to the theatre by yourself? — I (want) ___________ to stay home. Look! _______…

05 ноября 2023

Use verbs in the present simple or Present Continuous Could you go to the theatre by yourself? — I (want) ___________ to stay home. Look! _______ you (see) ______ that red bus over there? ____________ you (like) ____________ to try this dress? _____________ you (need) ___________ any help? — No, thank you. Where is Mason — He (have) ___________ his breakfast. Listen! Barbara (sing) ___________! She (have) ________ a beautiful voice.

категория: английский язык


Could you go to the theatre by yourself? — I __want___ to stay home. Look! _Do__ you see__ that red bus over there? ___Do__ you _like__ to try this dress? __Do___ you _need__ any help? — No, thank you. Where is Mason — He __has not got___ his breakfast. Listen! Barbara __is singing__! She __has__ a beautiful voice.

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