Выбрать 1) This is you in your house/horse and your house in your/you street.2) Your house is in a quiet/quite part of a town.3) Moldova is…

27 октября 2023

Выбрать 1) This is you in your house/horse and your house in your/you street.2) Your house is in a quiet/quite part of a town.3) Moldova is just a little beet/bit of the land on the Earth.4) The Earth is one of the nine plants/planets going around the Sun.5) The solar system belongs to a group of 100,000 million stars called/cold the Milky Way.6) There are millions of galaxies in the universal/universe.

категория: английский язык


1) House, your,2) quiet3) bit4) planets5) called6) universe

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