Выбрать Speak Say Tell ПомощьComplete the sentences. Circle the right letter.Bob didn t … s anything about his new computer game.Speak…

18 октября 2023

Выбрать Speak Say Tell ПомощьComplete the sentences. Circle the right letter.Bob didn t … s anything about his new computer game.Speak Say TellHe … . very slowly, so the students understood him.Spoke Said ToldWill you … .us about your school party? -Certainly.Speak Say Tell She … .that she likes to read stories in English.Speaks Says TellsDo your friends … . French or Spanish? — French.Speak Say TellDon t … . me how the film ends,I want to watch it at the weekend! Speak Say TellOh,no! The vase is broken (разбилась).What will I … . to mum.Speak Say Tell

категория: английский язык


Bob didn t tell anything about his new computer game.He spoke very slowly, so the students understood him.Will you tell us about your school party? -Certainly. She says that she likes to read stories in English.Do your friends speak French or Spanish? — French.Don t tell me how the film ends,I want to watch it at the weekend! Oh,no! The vase is broken (разбилась).What will I say to mum.

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