What are Jessica`s? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.E: Jessica, what (0) are you going to do (to do) on Saturday? I (1) ________…

30 октября 2023

What are Jessica`s? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.E: Jessica, what (0) are you going to do (to do) on Saturday? I (1) ________ (to see) a new film at the Valley Cinema. (2) ________ you to joining (to join) me? J: Satyrday? This Satyrday? I can`t. I have already planned something. E: Oh, really? What (3) ___________ you ___________ (to do)? J: I (4) ________ (to go) to Kerry Gleann`s cottage.E: Where is the cottage? (5) ________ you _________ (to go) by car there? And, when (6) ______ you ____ (to come) back? J: I (7) _____ (to talk) to Kerry tomorrow and then I (8) _______ (to tell) you everything.

категория: английский язык


What are Jessica`s? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.E: Jessica, what (0) are you going to do (to do) on Saturday? I (1) am going to see a new film at the Valley Cinema. (2) Will you join me? J: Saturday? This Saturday? I can`t. I have already planned something. E: Oh, really? What (3) are you going to do? J: I (4) am going to go to Kerry Gleann`s cottage.E: Where is the cottage? (5) Will you go by car there? And, when (6) are you going to come back? J: I (7) will talk to Kerry tomorrow and then I (8) will tell you everything.

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