— Where is Nick? – He 1 ______ (to go) to the University. His classes usually 2 ________ (to begin) at 8. — Kate says she 3 ________ (not to…

08 марта 2024

— Where is Nick? – He 1 ______ (to go) to the University. His classes usually 2 ________ (to begin) at 8. — Kate says she 3 ________ (not to go) for a walk until she 4 ________ (to do) her homework. — When the parents 5 ________ (to come) from the theatre yesterday evening, the children 6 ________ (to sleep). — Don`t make so much noise! Father 7 ____just______ (to fall asleep). — I 8 ________ (to meet) my former schoolmate lately. I 9 ________ (not to see) her since we finished school. She 10________ (not to change) at all. — 11 ___you ______ (to go) out last night, Tom? – Yes, I 12 ________ (to go) to the cinema, but I 13 __________ (not to enjoy) the film.1. (to go)

категория: английский язык


WentBeginWill not goHas doneCameWas sleeping Has fallenHave metHave not seenHas not changed Did you goWentDid not enjoy

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