Write the sentences in the indirect from: Mike said to his sister: "Kate, give me book back".Betty said to her mother, "Mummy, buy me an ice-cream,…

23 ноября 2023

Write the sentences in the indirect from: Mike said to his sister: "Kate, give me book back".Betty said to her mother, "Mummy, buy me an ice-cream, please".Mother said to her son,"Johnny, don't open the box".Bob said to his friend,"Dick, don't open the window".Alice said to Mike," Have you ever been to London? ".Jim said to his friend," Shall we go to the cinema? "Peter said to his brother,"What are you looking for? "Mrs Potter said to her husband,"When will you go the doctor's? ".Alec said,"I have something to tell you."Jane said, "I don't remember his address".

категория: английский язык


Mike said to his sister to give him his book back.Betty asked her mother to buy her an ice-cream.Mother said to her son not to open the box.Bob said to his friend not to open the window.Alice asked Mike if he had ever been to London.Jim asked his friend if they should go to the cinema.Peter asked his brother what he was looking for.Mrs Potter asked her husband when he would go to the doctor's.Alex said he had something to tell me.Jane said she didn't remember his address.

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