Задание. put questions to the italicized words. (задать вопросы!) 1. The children are planting trees. 2.They are working nthe…

28 сентября 2023

Задание. put questions to the italicized words. (задать вопросы!) 1. The children are planting trees. 2.They are working nthe garden.

категория: английский язык


1.what are children planting? 2. Where are they working? 3.what is girl trying on? 4. Who is talking to the friend? 5. What are the student doing? 6. Where is the man sitting? 7. What is the girl doing? 8. What is the woman wearing? 9. Whose brother is riding a bicycle? 10. What are they talking about? 11. Who is speaking over the telephone? 12. Why is the boy running fast?

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